SHORT Talks on prayer

longer Talks

You can find loads of Pete's teaching at and


Loads more where these came from at!

'Everyone gets to play with the toys,' (John Wimber).In this 8-part series from Emmaus Rd, ordinary Christians are equipped to move in the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit.

'Everyone gets to play with the toys,' (John Wimber).

In this series from Emmaus Rd, ordinary Christians are equipped to move in the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit.

An 8-week journey through the Nicene Creed, anchoring our Christian experience and witness in the foundations of historic faith.

An 8-week journey through the Nicene Creed, anchoring our Christian experience and witness in the foundations of historic faith.

Exploring five biblical distinctives of Emmaus Rd, each one drawn from the beautiful gospel story that lends our community it name.

Exploring five biblical distinctives of Emmaus Rd, each one drawn from the beautiful gospel story that lends our community it name.

A disruptive exploration of the six 'One Thing' statements in the Bible to help you get to the heart of life's priorities by putting first things first.

A disruptive exploration of the six 'One Thing' statements in the Bible to help you get to the heart of life's priorities by putting first things first.

In Christ you are called to rule and reign. Discover your true destiny as a Ruler, a Warrior, a Servant and a Son or Daughter of the King..

In Christ you are called to rule and reign. Discover your true destiny as a Ruler, a Warrior, a Servant and a Son or Daughter of the King..

Welcome to Boot Camp! Challenging messages from Pete Greig, Elle Mumford, Karl Martin, Pete Portal, Adam & Hannah Heather...

Welcome to Boot Camp! Challenging messages from Pete Greig, Elle Mumford, Karl Martin, Pete Portal, Adam & Hannah Heather...

Speaking Engagements

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Pete Greig teaches extensively at conferences, festivals, seminaries, churches and universities around the world. His talks from Emmaus Rd are available at 

Pete regrets that he is unable to accept most of the invitations he receives. However he works closely with an international team of brilliant speakers from the 24-7 movement, and can always recommend one for your event. Enquiries: